How to Say the Things Your Ideal Patients Want to Hear

Building a successful healthcare practice involves more than just knowing who your ideal patient is. It’s about communicating with them in a way that captures their attention and meets their needs. But how do you create a message that truly captures their...

Do You Speak To Your Ideal Patient?

How a new family in your neighborhood assesses health care options, and how to position your practice as the obvious choice. Imagine a new family that has just moved into your neighborhood. Moving can be a busy and stressful time. They have many things to decide on...

Finding the Bottlenecks in Your Business

I grew up on a farm in rural Prince Edward Island. I was fortunate to spend so much time in a beautiful place, outside and close to nature. At least that’s how I reflect on it now. As a teenager, though, it just seemed like a lot of work. 100 cattle don’t look after...

Why Companies are Adopting Subscription Billing Models

Volvo recently announced they will make their cars available on a subscription model where consumers will pay one fixed fee per month for access to a car which includes insurance and maintenance. Everything from tooth brushes to flowers are now available with...
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