Modernize your Clinics with Proven Digital StrategiesEnhance Patient Care, Streamline Operations and Attract More Patients with an End-to-End Digital Strategy

Tap into the power of leading digital tools and approaches to fuel your practice’s growth, expand your impact, and enhance your satisfaction as a business owner




Is your healthcare clinic falling behind?

The world is moving quickly, and it is easy for things to slip through the cracks. You may face these challenges:

Invisibility Online when everyone searches online for everything, including their next healthcare provider.

Clunky Website when digital natives epect. tobe taxis, takeout and appointments 24/7 with a few taps on their phone.

Inefficient Operations when the costs of everything has crept up and is trying to consume your profits

Turn your practice into a market leader

With Second Spring as your expert digital guide, transforming your healthcare clinic into a market leader is not just a vision—it’s an achievable goal. Common projects we identify include:


Elevate your clinic’s search rankings for key local terms, making it the go-to choice for potential patients.


Build an appealing, easy-to-navigate website that becomes a patient-booking machine for you


Build trust online and collect genuine patient satisfaction feedback via automated processes


Select your ideal next Practice Management System to keep up with patient expectations


Consistently produce and distribute multi-channel, search-optimized content to engage current, former, and prospective patients


Craft tailored messages and strategically place digital ads to connect with ideal patients in your area.


Document your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in a simple way, to streamline operations.


Turn key processes into automated systems for onboarding, offboarding, collections, communication and more.


Run your practice like the big guys. Make data-driven decisions by creating Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashboards

We will guide you through the process

It’s ok if you’re not a digital whiz, or a strategy expert. That’s where we come in. We are the expert digital sherpa you’ve been looking for. We have a comprehensive system that will help you unlock the true potential of your business. Our founder has been doing this type of work for over 25 years, and we have 40+ Digital Adoption Plans successfully completed.

Your Digital Adoption Plan by Second Spring gets created in 3 easy steps.

1. Audit

Learn More

Understand where you are today. We look at your practice across six business domains (Strategy, Operations, Marketing, Finance, HR/Team, and IT/Digital).  We understand your current capabilities, broken down by People, Process, Technology and Data.  Demos of current software in key areas.


2. Advice

Learn More

Decide where digital can take you. We apply our management and digital consulting know-how to generate projects, based on the insights generated and your vision.

3. Roadmap

Learn More

Map out how to get there. We collect your detailed  feedback on the scope, approach, benefits, change impacts and budget for each project. We apply our project management know-how to identify priorities, dependencies, and constraints.

What Our Customers are Saying

QA Quality Assurance and Quality Control Concept
Laura Gatien
Emilie McKay
Dr. Richard Thompson

“Extremely seamless process and very valuable conversation that was easy to schedule, was planned out well, and everything promised in the proposal was delivered..“

Dr. Richard Thompson, Chiropractor

“The whole process of developing our plan was very smooth and easy to implement.”

Dr. Mark Plotnikoff, Chiropractor

“The digital strategy project was efficient and practical, two things I value highly.”

Maxine Armstrong, Audiologist

“The process for collecting the information needed to create our digital adoption plan was thorough and the resulting plan contains a lot of valuable insights that we expect to use to help improve our business.”

Michael Williams, Registered Physiotherapist

“Scott was tremendously helpful and enthusiastic about our project. Many of his points left lasting impressions on us, and we feel like we have a clear plan for our business.”

Emilie McKay, Registered Massage Therapist
Clinic Director

“Second Spring has helped me to decide where I need to focus and then to make progress quickly. I’m improving patient experience, team satisfaction, and clinic capacity all at once.“

Laura Gatien, Clinical Therapist

The Plan

3 Easy Steps

We can help you to get started quickly, follow an easy process, and generate results in 3 easy steps.

Book A Call

Spend 20 minutes to start the process and get your custom proposal.


We connect with you and create your Digital Adoption Plan


You implement your plan and reap the rewards, and we support as needed.

You may be hesitant or have questions

At Second Spring, we know that you are the kind of person who wants to grow a modern business. To do that, one thing you will likely need is a digital adoption plan to guide your journey to bigger results.

But the thought of the beginning of this process could be concerning for you.

You are not alone if you have some of these reservations.

I'm too busy

You are very busy, and don’t have any extra time. Your hours are consumed with revenue generating activities, helping clients and meeting your other commitments in life.

I’m not sure about the ROI

You might have questions about the return on your investment. Is a plan really going to make a big impact on my future?

It seems complex

Reading this page might have you wondering if this project is overly complex for your business 

I’m nervous about having someone poke around in my business

Running a business is really hard, and you are doing your very best every day. When you build a business, you have an immense sense of ownership and pride. So, you may have concerns about a consultant showing up if they bring a know-it-all attitude.

We Understand

You deserve a simple way to get a Digital Adoption Plan.

We have worked with many other business owners like you, and understand the concerns you may have. Our process is built to be fast and easy, and is proven to generate long-term results. We are business owners too, so we know it’s always a work in progress. We take a positive tone and a ‘progress, not perfection’ mindset to all of our project activities.

Second Spring is a leading Digital Advisor for healthcare clinics, and we’ve developed a proven process for a Digital Adoption Plan to help guide you.

Our system will take your business from ‘now’ to ‘next’ and is guaranteed to meet the requirements for you to receive CDAP funding once you have qualified. We go far beyond just a Digital Adoption Plan, by also looking at your business processes, your team and your data.

First, we learn from you. Our audit covers all the key areas – Strategy, Marketing, Ops, HR, Finance & IT. Then, we cram your plan with insights, drawing on our learnings and 25 years in strategy & digital.

We know that there are an endless number of moves you could make with digital, and that you don’t want to take the wrong step. That’s why we’ve created this system that can get your digital adoption plan in four weeks typically.



Ready to get started?

Book a 20-minute call as a next step. Our digital strategy team is ready to guide you through the program.

Benefits from your Digital Adoption Plan


Work with an experience advisor fully focused on growing healthcare practices.


Simplify digital technology with a simple plan written in language you already use


Create a stronger stream of prospective new patients, clients and customers


Help admin and operations functions be more efficient


Simplify staff onboarding and training


Better manage margins and deal with rising costs

Your Digital Adoption Guide

Throughout my 25-year career, I’ve helped some of the largest companies in Canada to grow with digital. Before starting Second Spring, I was a Deloitte Consulting partner for five years specializing in digital transformation.

I’m a business owner too, so I know what it’s like. In 2002, I started a company called SwiftRadius. We grew this business to a team of 50, and it was acquired in January 2015. 

I’ve built our digital strategy process based on my experience both as a digital consultant and a business owner.

I know that time is in short supply for you.  You need to be able to get a quote quickly, and learn what is involved without wasting time.

Once you decide to proceed, you need a streamlined process with great tools, templates and approaches.

And, most importantly, you need a valuable plan that is aligned to your business strategy, relevant to your industry, easy to understand and ready to implement. 

The Second Spring team is ready to guide you to the start line and through the process. We are here to help businesses owners like you to make an even bigger impact


Why Second Spring for your Digital Strategy

Marketing deep dive

Harnessing digital to improve marketing is the most common theme we hear from clinic owners. We provide a detailed Patient Attraction Plan in response. We collect the publicly available data on your Marketing, analyze it and provide you with a 12-page detailed report. Further, we provide our point of view on your marketing and customer experience elements.

We have deep expertise in private healthcare clinics

We have worked within many professionals who provide care in private clinic settings. Below is a list of disciplines we have experienced to date.

  • Dentistry
  • Medicine
  • Physiotherapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Chiropractic
  • Medical
  • Counseling
  • Psychology
  • Audiology
  • Veterinary
  • Personal Support Workers / Homecare
  • Funeral / Decedent Services
  • Athletic Therapists
  • Clinical Counsellors
  • Dieticians
  • Family Counsellors
  • Hearing PractitionersKinesiologists
  • Naturopathic Doctors
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Osteopaths
  • Personal Trainers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Psychiatrists
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