Clinic Advertising: Quickly Climb the Search Ranks

Instantly boost your visibility and become a top choice for people searching care you can provide

Do you feel like a small fish in a big ocean?

It can be really tough to climb the search ranks with new competitors showing up constantly.

National brands

using big budgets to stake out high SEO ranks

New tech-savvy practices

investing in digital marketing from day one

Empty calendar slots

while you figure it out

You deserve a simple way to move towards #1 in search


Take the step that can typically change your clinic booking volume the fastest


Most marketing strategies take patience and time. With Digital Ads, you can skip past others who invest less.


Turn your ads up or down quickly. Turn them on or off if you need to. All while measuring the bookings and ROI.

We will guide you to advertising-powered results for your clinic

Google Ads are annoying, technical, tedious and error prone. Google Ads really work for health clinics. Yes, both of these statements are true.

We will take the complexity out of the process and set you up for results.

Besides, you have more important things to do, like helping more patients, or taking a breath.

Results you can count on

Starting with our laser-focused SEO & Ads Opportunity Assessment, our customers are enjoying tremendous success. For example, here is a snippet from one of our customer’s recent ROI reports. This is real data for February 2024, in a major city, for their primary discipline

Each dollar spent on ads turned into over $60 of revenue.

Cost Per Click $2.31
Conversion Rate 11.2%
Cost Per New Patient $20.52
Revenue Per New Patient $1,250.00
Ad to Revenue Multiplier 60.92X

To comply with advertising regulations, it is necessary to state that this is not a guaranteed result for you, and that your results will vary.

Answer to your questions

Why would I need a Google Ads team specializing in health clinics?

Running successful Google Ads campaigns for health clinics requires a deep understanding of the healthcare industry, including how patients search, and what services are offered. Knowledge of the healthcare advertising regulatory and privacy considerations is key to designing compliant ads that get results.

How can I tell if my current marketing is effectively using Google Ads?

Google Ads performance is highly measurable, but it isn’t simple. To determine if your campaigns are effective, look at your Google Ads dashboard for metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and the quality score of your ads. Also, you need to integrate Google Analytics to your booking system, so that you can tell when a booking truly happens and what your return on investment is.

How can Google Ads bring more patients to my health clinic?

Google Ads can immediately increase your clinic’s visibility to potential patients, right at the time they are ready to book with a new clinic. By bidding effectively on keywords related to your clinic’s offerings, we can place your ads at the top of search results, generating immediate traffic with commercial intent to your website. Add in a well-optimized landing page, and this can lead to higher conversion rates, more patient bookings, and multiply your return on investment further. 

What approach is used in Google Ads to target potential patients for my health clinic?

We use a complete approach to Google Ads management, including:


  • Keyword Research and Selection: We select keywords with buying intent that potential patients use when searching for your services.
  • Ad Copywriting and Optimization: We create compelling ad copy with you at startup, that connects with your future patients while also respecting healthcare advertising regulations.  Then we monitor and adjust it as a part of our management role.
  • Landing Page Optimization: We design landing pages that provide everything a searcher needs to become a patient, and nothing they don’t need.  Then, we monitor and tune it ongoing..
  • Ad Buying: We continuously adjust our bids to help your ads remain competitive without overspending.
  • Conversion Tracking and ROI Analysis: We implement advanced tracking across Google and your Practice Management System, like Jane and Cliniko, to monitor conversions from your ads and calculate the return on investment.

How quickly can I expect to see results from my Google Ads campaign for my health clinic?

Google Ads can start driving traffic to your website almost immediately after your campaign goes live. Note that getting your ad live can take several weeks, by the time we coordinate ad design with you and secure approval from Google (they are slow on healthcare ad approval). Then, optimizing for best Cost-Per-Click, the highest conversion rates and ROI typically requires some iteration and refinement. The initial results can be seen within the first month, with significant improvements often occurring within the first three months. We provide real time analytics so that you can easily monitor your results at any time.

If I need patients immediately, is Google Ads a better choice than SEO?

Google Ads is an excellent choice for health clinics looking to increase patient bookings now. While SEO is a powerful strategy for long-term organic growth, it takes time to see results. Google Ads can provide an immediate visibility boost and attract new patients right away. For clinics that need to increase their patient base quickly, we often recommend starting with Google Ads to generate immediate traffic while building an SEO strategy in parallel for sustainable long-term growth and the highest ROI.

Benefits of our approach

Results as quickly as one month
Pay to play: become highly visible
Flexible and measurable

3 Easy steps to get started

We can help you to get started quickly, follow an easy process, and generate results in 3 easy steps.

1. Learn

We speak with you to learn where you are, where you are going, and what’s in the way

2. Execute

We agree to work together, put a plan in place, and get to work on implementing it.

3. Grow

We support your growth with search results, increased bookings and easy operations.

New patient bookings letting you down?

Not to worry. Our simple tool gives you 3 easy steps to decide how you will book more new patients without wasting your money, even if you aren’t sure where to find them.

SEO & Ads: QuickStart Sheet for Clinic Owners

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