Marketing Strategy Experts for Healthcare Clinics

A custom strategy and plan to grow your practice, expand your impact, and increase your freedom




The problem

Does it feel like your healthcare clinic isn't keeping up?

In an ever-evolving digital world, clinics face the risk of being overshadowed by more technologically agile competitors:


Leading with phone and email, while patients seek seamless online experiences.


Empty treatment rooms, as practitioners change practices faster than ever


Rising costs but not wanting to make patients pay more.

Young handsome physician in a medical robe with stethoscope

Growth Strategy

Digital, simplified for your clinic

Our strategy approach is renowned for its effectiveness and simplicity.
We understand your needs and demystify digital for you.

The Guide

We can guide you to digital results

It’s ok that you’re not a website whiz. Besides, you have more important things to do, like helping patients. We will take the complexity out of the process and set you up for results.

1. Audit

Understand where
you are today

2. Advice

Decide where digital
can take you

3. Roadmap

Map out how to get

What Our Customers are Saying

QA Quality Assurance and Quality Control Concept
Laura Gatien
Emilie McKay
Dr. Richard Thompson

“Extremely seamless process and very valuable conversation that was easy to schedule, was planned out well, and everything promised in the proposal was delivered..“

Dr. Richard Thompson, Chiropractor

“The whole process of developing our plan was very smooth and easy to implement.”

Dr. Mark Plotnikoff, Chiropractor

“The digital strategy project was efficient and practical, two things I value highly.”

Maxine Armstrong, Audiologist

“The process for collecting the information needed to create our digital adoption plan was thorough and the resulting plan contains a lot of valuable insights that we expect to use to help improve our business.”

Michael Williams, Registered Physiotherapist

“Scott was tremendously helpful and enthusiastic about our project. Many of his points left lasting impressions on us, and we feel like we have a clear plan for our business.”

Emilie McKay, Registered Massage Therapist
Clinic Director

“Second Spring has helped me to decide where I need to focus and then to make progress quickly. I’m improving patient experience, team satisfaction, and clinic capacity all at once.“

Laura Gatien, Clinical Therapist

The Plan

3 Easy Steps

We can help you get started quickly, follow an easy process, and generate results in three easy steps.

Get A Quote

Spend five minutes to get a quote and get the process started.


We connect with you and create your Digital Adoption Plan


You implement your plan and reap the rewards, and we support as needed.

3-Step Digital Strategy and Adoption Plan: How We Can Help You Grow Your Healthcare Practice

In today’s digital world, it is essential for healthcare practices to have a strong online presence and to be able to effectively leverage digital technologies to attract new patients, improve efficiency, and boost profitability.

Our 3-Step Digital Strategy and Adoption Plan can help you to achieve your digital goals and grow your healthcare practice. We will work with you to assess your current digital capabilities, develop a custom digital strategy, and create a roadmap for implementation and adoption.

Step 1: Audit


What We Do: We conduct a comprehensive audit of your healthcare practice across six business domains: Strategy, Operations, Marketing, Finance, Team, and IT.

What You Get: A Current State Insights document, which includes a Quantitative Audit (a summary of the publicly available data collected and analyzed) and a Qualitative Audit (a subjective assessment of the patient experience).
Benefits: Understand your current digital capabilities and identify opportunities for improvement.

Step 2: Advice


What We Do: We use the insights from your Digital Audit to generate the Advice you are seeking. We start by clarifying your vision and strategic objectives for the business. Then, we apply our management and digital consulting know-how to generate projects based on the insights generated and your vision.
What You Get: A set of Project Summaries, which outline the specific projects you could implement to achieve your digital strategy and adoption goals.
Benefits: Develop a clear and actionable digital strategy that is aligned with your overall business goals.

Step 3: Roadmap


What We Do: We collect your feedback and use it to generate your Roadmap for moving forward. We process your detailed feedback on the scope, approach, benefits, change impacts, and budget for each project. Then, we apply our project management know-how to identify priorities, dependencies, and constraints.

What You Get: A Roadmap deliverable, which outlines the specific projects you will need to implement to achieve your digital strategy and adoption goals, including priorities, dependencies, and constraints.
Benefits: Create a clear, realistic timeline for implementing your digital strategy and adopting new digital technologies.


Benefits from your Second Spring Digital Strategy


Demystify digital technology with an easy-to-understand plan.


Generate a consistent influx of potential patients.


Boost administrative and operational efficiency.


Streamline staff onboarding and training.


Effectively manage costs without compromising on quality.

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